The next day, Fifi decides to get a bath and relax. She still wasn't sure when Maddie is coming back home and couldn't wait to see her but is determined to fight this bug off before Maddie does come home. Mid afternoon, Fifi is now in extreme agony with her stomach and manages to get herself to the bathroom. After finishing on the toilet, she stands up and suddenly feels woozy. Then she collapses in a heap on the floor.
Unbeknown to Fifi, Maddie is already on her way home from Harry's. She was waiting for her plane to land at the airport and like Fifi, couldn't wait to see her too. She's missed Fifi lots. Maddie is on cloud nine as her relationship is getting stronger by the day and the two of them certainly have lots to catch up on!
Eventually sitting in the back of the taxi, she spots the curtains are still shut which is not like Fifi. She presumed that Fifi must have stayed at her parents or something so when she gets inside of the apartment, she takes her luggage into her room. Then she grabs a drink from the fridge and walks through to the living room. Once she's drank all of her drink and is bored of flicking the telly channels, deciding she needs the toilet. When she opens the bathroom door, she panics as soon as she sees Fifi lying there in a pool of blood. Immediately, she tries to see if she's breathing and runs out to get her phone. She dials the paramedics...
"Hi, please can you send an ambulance quickly? My friend, I have found her unconscious and lying in blood on the floor."
They asked for her address and some vital information about Fifi. She begs them to come as quick as they can. While she waits for them, she strikes Fifi's face and tries to bring her round. She dials Alex's number over and over to no avail. It goes to his voicemail every time so frantically, she calls Harry.
"Harry?!! Can you please try and get hold of Alex for me? I can't get hold of him. It's Fifi, she has collapsed and the paramedics are on their way here. Okay, thank you. Love you babe."
A few minutes later, the paramedics arrive and attend to Fifi in the bathroom. They ask Maddie different questions about her friend.
"We will be taking her to the hospital, her temp is very high and this bleeding is worrying. You are welcome to come with us in the van."
"Can I just grab my coat and shoes?"
"Yes, sure, we'll get her onto the stretcher and into the van. See you in a minute, miss."
Frantically, she runs round in a haste, grabbing her things. She then locks up the apartment and climbs into the paramedic van. It isn't long before when they arrive at the hospital and Fifi is whisked away to the emergency room leaving Maddie alone in the waiting area. She dials one last number and thamkfully they answer it at their end.
"Hey it's Maddie. Please can you come to the hospital? To the emergency room. It's Fifi, she's collapsed! Okay, thank you and see you soon."
Pacing back and forth, glancing at the doors that lead to the emergency room, poor Maddie is frantic! She thinks to herself about how long are they gonna be until they let her in to see her and what's going in. Finally, a doctor comes out and heads straight to where Maddie is standing in the waiting area.
"Hi, I'm looking after your friend, Felicity and we are currently underway with a few tests. She has a high temperature, her blood pressure is higher than normal and we're worried about the bleeding..."
"Can I go to see her now? I need to be with her." "Sorry but you'll have to stay out here until she's ready for company."
"She has anxiety problems and she'll panic! I will just sit at the back while you're doing whatever it is you need to do."
"I'll be back with you soon as we know any more. Is there anyone we can contact for you?"
"No thanks, our friends is on their way. Make sure y'all tell her I'm out here when she's okay."
"We will do, I need to go back in there now."
Maddie sits and sighs out loud, feeling annoyed. She tries to phone Alex again but he still hasn't turned his phone on. Resting her head in her hands, she unexpectedly feels a warm hand on her shoulder. She lifts her up to see a forlorn looking Nick with a forced smile on his face.
"Hey." "Hi, how's Fifi?"
"I don't know. They haven't said anything different, just that they're doing lots of tests.
"What happened?"
"I got home from being at Harry's, I thought she must have been at her parents as the curtains were still shut so... I dumped my stuff, got a drink or something and sat down in the living room. Then I went to go to the toilet and there I found her. Laying on the floor unconscious in a pool of blood!"
"Oh god! I hope she's gonna be alright, you okay?!"
"I will be, I'm shattered but worrying sick about her and... And I can't get hold of Alex!" "So he's not here?!?"
"Nope. I told them about her anxiety problems but they won't let me in there with her."
"Want me to say something to them?"
"Nah, I tried. Thanks anyway Nick."
"It's okay, glad I can be here. Just hope they're looking after her in there. You want to get some air, I'll stay here?"
"I'll stay here. Thank you."
Meanwhile, Fifi wakes up and looks around her. All she can hear is machines beeping and the sudden agonising pain surging through her abdomen causing her to yell out. A nurse appears at her bedside, checking her IV drip in her arm.
"Where am I and I hurt so... So much... Ouch."
"It's okay petal, you're in hospital. Your friend found you on the floor so you were brought in by the paramedics."
"Where is my friend?"
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